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Industrial Polishing Supplies

Nationwide Distributor of Industrial Polishing Supplies

Arbe Machine is a trusted distributor of quality polishing supplies and other industrial equipment. Properly understanding terms related to polishing can be a useful guide to any industrial polisher, or even home polisher. There are a few different layers to the polishing process that should be comprehended in order to accomplish different tasks.

Polishing Supplies and Industrial Polishing Terms

These are a few terms that are related to the polishing process:

  • Section or Single Buff: They consist of layers of material sewed together is a wide array of ways, usually at around 1/4 of an inch thick.
  • Buffing Wheel: It consists of one or more single layer sections and should always be mounted on your spindle being gripped firmly between the flanges. It is possible to attain any thickness buffing wheel if you put together single or multiple buffs on the spindle, or you can buy ready made multiple buffs. It all comes down to consumer preference at that point.
  • Spindle Speed: Simply, this is the speed of the spindle, which is translated to revolutions per minute, or R.P.M.
  • Surface Speed: This is the speed the face of your buffing wheel travels. It is separate from the speed of the spindle of your buffing or polishing head. Knowing the S.F.P.M. (Surface Feet Per Minute) of your wheel, since it varies to achieve the best results for your task. To get the best results, a maintained S.F.P.M. between 3,600 - 7,500 is recommended. Higher speeds usually mean better and quicker results.
  • Composition or Compound: This is the material that is applied to the face of the buffing wheel. Compositions consist of abrasives, which are held in place by grease or wax and is used to bind the abrasive to the buff. There are many types of compositions and compounds used for a variety of tasks. It is important to note, though, that buffing wheels needs compositions to produce any sort of results.
  • Cut Buffing: This term applies for when you buff with more coarse compositions in the removal of grind marks, rust and imperfections on rough surfaces. 
  • Color Buffing: This is the final buffing and is completed with finer and softer compositions, which bring out the natural color or luster of the material. In some coloring cases, it may be better to color with more than one composition to get the results you want. If you use one composition, than using it on different buffing wheels could do the trick.

These terms should hopefully reinforce what you already know and enable you to become a better, more productive worker. There are also quality polishing materials that can be a benefit to the task at hand. It is one thing to understand how to define these terms, but it is quite another to apply them to actual tasks.

Industrial Polishing Supplies Distributor

Call Today For More Information About Our Industrial Polishing Supplies

Arbe Machine has years of experience providing customers across the country with the best industrial polishing equipment and supplies on the market. If you have any questions about anything listed on our site, please contact us today. The number to call is 631-756-2477. We will provide you with all the necessary information in order for you to make the most informed decision about our industrial machines and products.

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